

Certifications serve both as a tool for implementing sustainability strategies and as a measure of quality management. Durable has played a key role in the widespread adoption of holistic certification systems. The resulting variety of Swiss and international certifications is not a barrier, but rather an integral part of our consulting and planning services.
  • Certification according to all established sustainability standards

  • Development of standards and certifications

  • Consultancy on sustainability certifications in the context of ESG

  • Preliminary check for established certifications during project development


Barbara Pataki
+41 44 517 00 51

Our team


New approaches in certification

New approaches in certification

'SNBS-Areal' as a sustainability standard for project development

The certifiable 'SNBS-Areal' standard was developed by Durable on behalf of the Sustainable Construction Network Switzerland (NNBS). We designed SNBS-Areal so that pre-certification can be meaningfully applied during the development phase (SIA Stage 2). This enables early strategic decisions, site development aligned with the plan of work, and the establishment of an appropriate standard for special utilisation planning.

SNBS-Areal addresses key ESG topics such as climate protection, microclimate, circular economy, water management, and biodiversity, without delving too deeply into building specifics. We are already in the process of certifying the first sites under this standard.

First pre-certification according to the 'SNBS-Areal' standard

First pre-certification according to the 'SNBS-Areal' standard

Pre-certification 'SNBS-Areal' for Swisslife's share of klybeckplus site

SwissLife, Rhystadt and the canton of Basel-City are co-developing the klybeckplus site, a former BASF and Novartis chemical site in the north of the city of Basel. Due to the long-term perspective, klybeckplus is being developed according to the latest sustainability standards.

Together with Bricks we are commissioned to certify SwissLife's share of the klybeckpklus site using the 'SNBS-Areal' standard that we developed in 2023. The pre-certification will take place during the development and will be the first for a site in Switzerland. The added value of a site development that focuses on sustainability is already evident.

DGNB/SGNI certification for the University of Zurich

DGNB/SGNI certification for the University of Zurich

High-quality standards for a high-quality building complex

In collaboration with Herzog & de Meuron, we are planning the new building FORUM UZH of the University of Zurich, at the 'Platte' in Zurich, near the University’s main building. Durable is planning and consulting the DGNB/SGNI Gold and Minergie-P certifications, while also ensuring compliance with Minergie-ECO standards throughout the planning and construction phases. With our expertise, we guarantee that the project’s high sustainability requirements are met. Building permits and provisional certifications have already been granted, and completion is scheduled for mid-2030.

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